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Relationship are Hard

So my boyfriend and I have been having some disagreements recently about what direction we would like our relationship to move towards. I've always been in open relationships and never really tried monogamy before this relationship. It's no secret that relationships can be hard work. From day-to-day trivial arguments to long-term disagreements, it can often feel like there's no way out of a troubled relationship. But, believe it or not, there is hope. 

The first step to repairing a struggling relationship is recognizing that it's not all doom and gloom. No matter how bad things may seem, it's important to remember why you chose to be with this person in the first place. Identifying the positive aspects in the relationship can help both partners focus on what's working and put them in a better position to make things even better.

The second step is communications. It's so important to make sure you're both on the same page about how to make things work. Find out what the other person needs and wants in the relationship, and be honest about any changes that need to be made. Try to have regular conversations and brainstorm solutions together. It may take time, but it can really pay off in the end.

Finally, don't forget to show love and appreciation. A little effort can go a long way. A random gesture of kindness, a simple note of gratitude or a surprise from time to time can all help keep the spark alive in a deteriorating relationship. Don't underestimate the power of a simple smile or hug.

It's not easy to work through a struggling relationship, but it can be done. With a little effort and good communication, the two of you can work towards a brighter future. Don't forget to believe in yourself and the power of love!
