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Busy Day

 Man, Oh, Man! Today has been quite eventful for me. I finally got in touch with Adam and Eve about my refund for the sex toys I was not satisfied with. I did the dishes, vacuumed the floor, and swept and mopped the kitchen.
I FINALLY got in touch with a CPA who gave me the run down about what there actual job is and gave me some references to find other CPA's located in the city.  I also learned the word Amortized today but what the fuck does that even mean? I don't fully understand amortization yet.
Also starting a tow truck company is really fucking hard. There is so many things that you have to do in order to get the company up and running. Like why is it so damn hard? It really should not be this hard to start a business.

That's all I'm saying . . .

Oh and I completely forgot to mention that I created my own ebook on anger management. You can find it on Amazon and a website called lulu at
